How much do tutors earn?

tutors earn

The current system of education in most countries leads the parents of children to constant expenses. So, for example, it is worth saying about the use of the services of a tutor. He must explain to the child those things that he does not understand and prepare for exams and their successful passing. In some cases, a tutor helps to find oneself in life and master any subject at a perfect level, so that there is an opportunity to connect life with it in the future. Therefore, many people want to know how much tutors earn. It is important to discuss this now.

What affects the earnings of tutors?

To find out how much a tutor in Islamabad earns it is necessary and important to take into account several criteria that affect this. They look like this:


To find out whether it is profitable to earn money by tutoring or not, you need to take into account the region where the classes will be held. As it usually happens, such specialists earn the most money in Islamabad. The difference can reach up to two, and sometimes more.

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Depending on its complexity and demand, the price tag for classes will vary. For example, English teachers can earn more money than those who studied mathematics. This difference is related to the demand for the subject. In the modern world, it is practically impossible to do without knowledge of the English language, and everyone understands this very well.

The number of classes. 

This works in much the same way as with shifts at work. The more classes a tutor conducts, the higher his income and vice versa.

Education and skills. 

Certain tutors boast advanced degrees and a lot of merit in their subject range. They will charge a lot more money for their classes than in the case of ordinary teachers.

Conduct format. 

Right now, tutoring, like most areas of life, is moving to the Internet, and completely. At the same time, certain tutors still go door-to-door with children and explain the basics of their subject. Depending on the format of the event, their income varies. In general, classes on the Internet are cheaper than in real life.

All these factors must be taken into account to find out how much a tutor in English and other subjects earns. This is what we need to talk about right now.

Tutor earnings

If we take the average price tag in the country, then the cost of a tutor's services reaches a couple of thousand rupees per hour. The maximum will be around 3000-5000 rupees. For such a price, you will be able to find a popular person who is ready to provide his services. On average, ordinary tutors charge from 900 to 2000 rupees per lesson. In the regions, the price is lower, while in Islamabad on the contrary, it is higher.

If we take different teachers, then the situation is as follows:

  • Tutor in mathematics - 30-45 thousand rupees;

  • Physics tutor - 30-40 thousand rupees.

  • English tutor - 35-60 thousand rupees.

Separately, it is necessary to clarify the preparation for the exam. Comprehensive classes that will prepare a child for successful delivery can cost from 80 to 160 thousand rupees a month.

The figures mentioned above are relevant for those who are engaged in tutoring activities on an ongoing basis. This is their main job.

If you take a teacher who works at a school and provides tutoring services, then he can earn about 10-20 thousand rupees a month from this, adding to his basic salary.

Given the fact that online classes have recently become the norm, they will seriously hit the market in the foreseeable future. The cost of services can drop to 400 rupees, and for many young tutors, this becomes a whole profession and lifestyle. Therefore, perhaps, the services of tutors will become even more accessible in the coming years!


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