How to work for a girl to earn 100-200 thousand monthly: 5 cool professions

Girls Earning

There is a common misconception that girls cannot earn much. Sometimes it is much easier for them to get a job than for men since some professions require exactly a “female face”. At the same time, you can earn really big money, for example, 100-150 thousand rupees every month and even more.


The profession remains in demand and continues to develop. Today, the designer is a very broad direction, which is associated with different areas:

  • Industrial Design;

  • landscape;

  • graphic;

  • web;

  • interior;

  • clothes and others.

The payment is quite high - a month you can earn in the range from 50 to 120 thousand rupees and even more. As a rule, designers start working for a company, after which they form a client base, compile a portfolio, and then work only for themselves.


This profession can also be highly paid, especially if you focus on really profitable areas:

  • dentist;

  • anesthetist;

  • gynecologist;

  • beautician;

  • nutritionist.

At the first stage, earnings will be small - only 30-40 thousand rupees a month, and in municipal clinics even 20-25 thousand. However, as you gain professional experience, your income will also increase. Moreover, in private clinics, you can get a really good salary even in the regions - about 80-120 thousand rupees a month and more.


Another highly paid profession with a "female face". To successfully pass the interview, you must meet several requirements:

  • English proficiency;

  • pleasant appearance;

  • sociability;

  • good health.

Education, as a rule, must be higher, but college is also allowed. Directions may be related to the humanities, as well as medicine. At the same time, flight attendants earn quite well - from 50 to 200 thousand rupees.

Brand Manager

This is a specialist who develops not only a trade brand or logo but also the very concept of development, the philosophy of the company. For example, IKEA has long ceased to be just a furniture store. She positions herself as a generator of ideas for home improvement in the style of "simple but tasteful."

Therefore, a brand manager is a person who works at the highest creative level, because he allows you to find the right ideas and attractively present them. Work is rewarded quite well - from 60 to 200 thousand rupees a month.


A classic profession for girls, you can start working in it even with secondary special education. You can get it in different directions, for example:

  • design;

  • hairdressing;

  • make-up artist-stylist.

You can start working for a certain company, in a beauty salon or a hairdresser. At first, the salary will be 25-40 thousand per month, after which it is realistic to earn up to 150-200 thousand rupees.


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